Monday, February 25, 2008

Things that go boom in the night....or day.

Random stuff
....Stealth Bomber crashed on takeoff from Guam a couple days ago. I had nothing to do with it, but I can think of better ways to blow 1.2 Billion dollars. The 2 pilots are reported to be safe after ejecting, but I assume will have to pay off $600 Million each over the course of several years. They are rumored to be coordinating a Brownie-Bake sale. $20 Million per brownie.

....Also, an EA-6B prowler crashed off the coast a few days before the Stealth went in. All aboard were rescued via helicopter.

....Lastly, the local US military report has issued a Strong Gravity Warning for Guam and the coastal waters for the next week, with a slight chance of falling satellite debris in the afternoons.


Anonymous said...

who knew you were so funny...

Anonymous said...

what the hell is a strong gravity warning? Sounds like someone is sticking to Guam during that time, eh? Do the planes take off during that time, or do they all just crash? Perhaps it explains the accidents. I've never heard of such a thing!